Get Rid of Lust

How To Get Rid Of Lust?

How to get rid of lust is a big question. Lust is mentioned as one of the seven sins in Christianity. In other religions, lust is mentioned as one of the big hurdles for human beings to reach their true potential and keeps the soul bound to earth. What is Lust and how is it a sin/bondage for your mind?

What is the meaning of Lust?

Lust is an intense longing for something in our lives. It is generally attached to sex, but it can be for anything which we long for so intensely that our mind revolves around it most of the time. Some people lust for food more than they lust for sex.

What our Mind intensely thinks about?

Research says people think more often about Food, Sex and Sleep. But the most intense desire is still for sex.

How lust harms us?

Our energy is wasted in our lusty thoughts and we might miss the opportunity to grow completely as human beings. People think about sex as high as once every 7 seconds and as low as once a month. It depends on the age of the person. But is our mind completely free of sex? For the average human being, the answer is “No”. We are never completely free from lust and the funny thing is that the more you try to suppress, the more it grows, or the more you try to indulge, the more you long for it. Experience has taught us that both ways fail us.

What is the solution?

The solution is to strengthen a certain part of the brain which might be weak right now.

How many parts mind has?

As per Yogic sciences, we can divide our mind into 4 sections. These 4 sections are

  • Buddhi: Is the discriminating power of the mind which tells us what is good and what is bad according to memory and intellectual knowledge.
  • Manas: This is the part of the mind that takes input from your senses and collects the data and keeps it in memory. It tends to question and argue if something has to be done or not. It keeps challenging your intellect.
  • Ahankaara: The part of the mind where all your identifications reside or the seat of your Ego. Mine and Thine understanding comes from it. The greed for having something from oneself comes from here.
  • Chitta: The part of your mind which is consciousness and on which all of the other parts of your mind are created. It is like a blackboard on which everything is written. Chitta is not only confined to the mind, it is both the mind and body as a whole.

How to get rid of lust?

  1. Discipline your Manas and Ego: Whenever your mind likes something, you have to tell your mind, “Go, Get it! My body will not co-operate”. Without the body, your mind will not be able to do anything. This will give a signal to your mind that you are not its slave and that it cannot have anything without your permission. You have to keep repeating this knowledge that your mind can like many things, but you cannot have all. Discipline your mind repeatedly by performing tasks which your mind does not like to perform. This repeatedly shows your authority over your mind and makes it obey your commands.
  2. Discipline your Senses: Do not give stimulating inputs to your senses which in turn creates a habit for lust. Like, do not watch pornography or photos which stimulates your senses beyond your control. Do not take too much alcohol or drugs which shuts your Buddhi (Intellect) and makes your ego go unchecked. It is good to create healthy hobbies because it keeps your senses and mind occupied and distracts them from lust.
  3. Witnessing: Chitta is that part of the mind which you need to be aware of in order to become free from the lust. By disciplining your mind and senses you can create some level of awareness. With further training, you develop the muscles of your brain to develop better awareness, and when the awareness is developed, you become a witness. Now you start witnessing your own thoughts of lust. Let your lust thoughts generate in your mind and you watch them in aloof attention without judging them. The thoughts will rise and will reach its peak, if you do not get attached to them, they will lose their energy and then fade away. Thoughts might try their luck a few times but if you can go into witnessing state when they arise, you will see that they will lose control over you. In this way, in witnessing you can transcend lust. The energy released by transcending lust will help you to realise your true self or help you manifest or create.

Till you read my next blog, till then Keep Witnessing, Stay Healthy, and Stress-free!!

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