Relationship as Workplace

5-Point Guide to Resolve Conflicts at Work

Today’s era is all about industrialization and numerous technological advancements. Corporate culture has been established to a great extent. With long work hours, and varied targets, most of us spend more than a third of our lives at our workplaces.

Conflicts at work are common points of concern. In this blog, I will be giving out a few simple secrets to bring your life at work on track! But before that, let me tell you a story I read back in school:

Once upon a time, there existed a jungle where lived passionate and creative animals! They had all come together to form a company, and worked day and night to live life fruitfully!  

The Old Lion had been elected the head. He, being the boss, was given the right to pull-up anyone in case a task was left undone. Their business was on a rise, until ego clashes began to emerge within the team. The Falcon, of all people, did not quite like the way the lion worked. However, the falcon was always scared of reaching out to the Old Lion. The Falcon was best friends with the Vulture and they often gossiped about the boss and the other team members. The Falcon, though being the most innovative member of the team, could never reach out to the Lion, fearing his position. Months went by, and the Falcon kept drowning in negativity and wasting his time and energy.

Workplace Relationship

The Falcon had erased every possibility of a communication between himself and the Old Lion. Little did he know that he was about to get the biggest shock of his life.

In a few months, the Old Lion fell ill, and passed away. He was replaced by another talented member of the team, the Vulture himself! The Vulture was chosen by fellow team members.

Now, what do you think was the Falcon’s reaction? Which set of thoughts did he choose?

A or B?

To the Falcon’s misfortune, he chose B! The Falcon was bereft with jealousy, and his friendship turned bitter. This led to another blow to his goodwill and enthusiasm, and he stepped on the boat towards failure. The Falcon had repeatedly bad mouthed about the boss to the Vulture in the past; hence, the Vulture couldn’t develop trust in the Falcon as an employee. Eventually, the Falcon ended up resigning from his post.

Moral of the story?

Our career largely depends upon our relationships at work. Hence, let me tell you 5 simple ways to maintain smooth workplace relationships.

1) Begin Your Day with Gratitude!

Oprah Winfrey says, “Be thankful for what you have, you’ll end up having more. If you focus on what you don’t have, you will never have enough.” Be thankful for the job you have at hand, because it feeds you and gives you an opportunity to grow in life. Gratitude in heart, leads to a display of gratitude in action. Give out positive, and attract the same!

2) Treat Time Valuably!

Consistently showing up late at work is a big no-no! Your actions are an evidence of your enthusiasm. If your boss fails to acknowledge you, close your eyes, and brush upon the basics. Have you been up-to-date with your work? Learn to manage your time well and engrain punctuality in your way of life. Repair the damages while you have time.

3) Take Initiatives!

In times of conflict with your manager, we often find ourselves confused and dangling in the middle of two thoughts:

You’ll never get to know the other side of the story until you take initiatives to communicate. Establish a nexus to better understand the work strategies of your boss. Suggest and learn, and keep the cycle running.

However, keep a check when you’re crossing your limits. A healthy professional relationship requires both patience and wisdom. Draw a line where you find yourselves divulging too much of your life and your personal opinion in a co-worker, after all, it is a professional setup, and you have a career to look forward to!

4) Keep Compassion in your Heart!

Say the following to yourself before you encounter anyone at office,

Pick your battles wisely, as reacting over every other thing you hear reduces your energy for the next task. Think about the bigger picture and bear compassion for everyone you encounter at your workplace, including your boss. Remember, he/she is placed against you for a reason, learn what is there to learn, and grow bigger in life.

5) Close Open Loops!

Famous author and efficiency-expert David Allen, in his GTD (Getting Things Done) Theory talks about the importance of closing down the open loops of your mind. The theory refers to the significance of shutting down the thoughts that nag you and reduce your efficiency. Be it a feared encounter with your boss, or a possible uncomfortable situation, certain fears keep your mind busy and reduce your work potential. Close those loops through communication and action!

Conflicts at workplace can harm your capability and keep you from finishing your goals.

Resolve them with these simple strategies and refrain from being the Falcon in your life. Remember, the law of attraction is constantly working. Your workplace is an essential part of your universe.

Stay tuned to my upcoming blogs where I shall talk in detail about numerous ways to resolve conflicts in relationships.

Till then, Enjoy your Work! Stay Healthy and Stress-free!

Anurag Sahai

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